Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Roller Coaster Weather

Now I finally understand what they mean when people talked about the weather in Melbourne. "Melbourne is known for having a slightly schizophrenic weather "-

Yesterday the sun was warm and shinning as I sent KK to school. I even thought perhaps I'd overdressed him and he might feel warm in class later. But by the time I went to pick him up later in the afternoon, it was raining and the wind was very strong. I tried my best to carry XX out of his car seat, holding on to the umbrella which threatened to fly away anytime. Eventually, when we held it the wrong way, the umbrella flipped the other way and we got the cold freezing rain in our face. (It was one of those retractable kind so you can see the frame is not so sturdy. TIme to get a big sturdy one!) However, the rain stopped just when I drove the car back to our garage, which is about 10 mins later.

That evening, it was not very cold. So I allowed the kids just one piece of clothing as pyjamas. But in the middle of the night, I think the temperature must have dipped to 4 degrees or less, the room felt so cold and my nose was cold. I wanted to get up and switch on the heater but was not brave enough to leave the comfort of my blankets. In the end, I just pulled the covers over our heads, covered XX with my extra blanket and huddled together.

There're 3 words to describe the weather here, Singapore style: "Always kena sabo!"

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