Saturday, February 7, 2009

Roller Coaster Weather

The crazy weather in Melbourne continues....

After last week, I thought the worse of the summer heat is over. I was happily enjoying life back to normal again, until Hubby told me it's gonna be 43 degrees again this Saturday! BUT...the good news is, the weather man says the peak temperature will be between 3 to 6pm, afterwhich, the temperature is supposed to fall quickly so the night will be ok.

With the experience of last week, I know it is not worth going outside at all, even to an air-conditioned place. The journey there, getting out and back again into the car, is enough to kill any temporary joy derived from the air-conditioned time spent in the shopping center.

The morning started rather nicely, but once we finished breakfast around 10.30am, the heat started coming in. Beep! On comes the air-conditioner to the rescue and I never left the living room area for more than 5 mins after that. Well, it was a slow and lazy day, with nothing much accomplished.

Today's peak temperature of 46 degrees at 3.04pm broke records of the hottest day ever in Melbourne. The weather report stated that the cool front will reach Melbourne around 6pm and sure enough, 5 mins to 6 o'clock, suddenly there was rain! We couldn't believe it. It was a short shower but it must be God's reward to all the poor plants outside for bearing with the extreme conditions. One minute it was scorching hot and the next, instant relieve. I went out to the garden about 6.05pm and it's not hot anymore! Crazy but amazing!

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