Saturday, July 18, 2009

Toilet Training

Despite the irritation and discomfort caused by the flu, XX is progressing very well these few days in terms of his toilet training. Since 2 weeks ago, we have already stopped wearing diapers for him when we go out and he's done incredibly well. He made it through long car journeys and grocery shopping trips without wetting his pants. We nearly backed off when initially we struggled with getting him to pee properly at public toilets. He didn't wet his pants but we got parts of his jacket, shirt and even shoes wet when the sitting or standing position wasn't right. But I'm glad we didn't take the easy way out of putting his diapers back on. With some time and practice, we and him soon got the technicalities figured out.

At night and for naps, I'm still very cautious so I've been putting on a diaper for him. Occasionally, he'll wake up with dry diapers but for the last 3 nights, XX's been waking up suddenly in the night saying he wants to "shee shee". Inside my warm quilt and still somewhere in between dreamworld and reality, I'm very tempted to tell him just pee into his diapers. But I stopped myself. That would be regressive. So I struggled to stand up, got him to the toilet, took off his still dry diapers, and he did it like a big boy. In the morning, the diaper would be still dry and he'll ask to go to the toilet when he wakes up. Last night, after his mid-night pee, XX actually refuses to wear the diapers again. I took a big risk by allowing him and he didn't fail me.

I think my 2 yr 7 mth old is getting to be 100% toilet trained very soon. The only thing is, I've just bought a new bag of diapers, what am I gonna do with them?


jessie said...

envious envious... my way past 36 months is still waking up with 1 ton full of wet diaper... maybe it is mummy who is not doing the job demoralising...

Pink Lavender 10 said...

Hi Jessie, I'm sure you're doing all you can. Try not to let him drink too much water and make him pee before he sleeps. In the morning when he wakes up, bring him to the toilet/potty everytime. Also check the diaper if it's warm or cold. You can tell from a warm diaper that the pee was done in the morning, so this means that they can already hold their urine well. If they still need to pee in their sleep, then it could be their bladder is still not strong yet, will need to give them more time. Have won't be too long:-).