Thursday, December 27, 2007

Sleeping Like A Pig

The phrase 'Sleeping Like A Pig' takes on new meaning for KK last night. As I entered my room to sleep, I detected a very strong smell in the room. The children were asleep much earlier and the room was dark, so I turned on the bed light to investigate the source of the foul smell.

I first checked XX, ok, he was dry and sleeping peacefully. Then I turned to KK. I saw vomitus on his pillow, his mattress, his shirt and even the floor. It looked as if he had splurted the brown gooey stuff out to his right, probably during a coughing fit during his sleep. The most horrific thing was, he remained sleeping in the midst of it all, literally sleeping like a pig in a pig sty!

Hubby and I had to make him sit up in order to clean him up and change his clothes. KK was semi-conscious and probably thinking this is all a dream as I wiped his right face, arm and back, which was smeared with vomitus. He would have collapsed back into that stinky pile if I hadn't supported him. The pillow and mattress was so soiled and smelly we decided it couldn't stay in the room that night or it will stink us to death. KK ended up on my bed, and poor Papa had to sleep in the study room.

While the older brother continued his sleep, the younger one, awoken by the lights, whispers and smell of air freshener, couldn't get back to sleep long after everything was over. Eventually, after about 1 hour and at about 3am, we had to give him a bottle of milk before we could finally get some sleep.

The next morning, KK was, as expected, totally oblivious and had not the slightest memory of the mess he created last night.