Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Happy Tuesday Again

Today is yet another 'Happy Tuesday' for us.

It seems that even the plants outside the yard knows about 'Happy Tuesdays' cos the cactus plant's flowers chose to bloom today. Yesterday, they were still 'closed'. The rose, which was at the point of wilting, suddenly seemed to be revived today. And I spotted the first fruit of the strawberry plant today. I'm pretty sure this is a strawberry in the making. Question is: will it continue to grow bigger and ripen?



The resurrected rose

Strawberry #1

Petrol price was sighted to be 97.9 cents per litre. Although we didn't need to pump, I'm happy to see prices falling. But I bet those Arab folks and top shots at OPEC must be shaking their heads while putting them together at this moment, thinking of how to increase the oil prices and keep their profits high.

We ate Dominos pizza again, nope, not sick of it yet. Hubby went to buy 2 pizzas after he collected KK from school and we had an early dinner. The main reason for the early dinner was because KK had to go back to school again at 5.15pm for a carolling performance.

This is the highlight of the day and I've been looking forward to it for the past week. In fact, I seem more excited than KK, asking him how he sings the song and what were the actions, but the boy just can't be bothered. I even had to remind him after he came back from school that the performance is this evening.

His Prep class is gonna perform this song called 'Santa wears your shorts' and we're supposed to dress him up in colourful beach theme shorts. Luckily, some years ago in Bintan, KK's PoPo had bought him this red batik shirt and shorts which we've yet to wear until now. I took it out, give it a quick ironing and thought this is really very suitable for his song. Somehow, KK is a lot less enthusiastic about the costume.

Rain cleared up - after everything's over.

Unfortunately, the weather today was quite terrible. It's overcast, cloudy, chilly, gloomy and just 1 hour before the event, it poured. The school had invited all parents to bring along their picnic mat and food as they watched the carolling. I had envisioned a nice evening sitting down on the ground, eating pizza and drinking coke.

But all these didn't happen. What happened was, everyone packed into the gym, standing around or sitting on chairs to see their kids perform. We were late and were lucky to slowly inch our way into the hall, standing next to a Christmas tree by the side. XX was happy there, especially after a little girl kept offering bits of her food to him and I opened a bag of Nachos for them to munch. Later, a teacher offered a space in front on the floor for XX and I, but Hubby stood all the way. The poor kids, they could only come into the hall to perform and had to leave after cos there's simply no room to accommodate them.

I especially like this snowman costume

Nevertheless, it was a great effort by the children and the teachers who trained them. Most came dressed up to the theme and without a doubt, the christmas songs and singing does make one feel 'christmassy'.

I will upload a video of KK's performance later, after I edit the film abit. But guess what? Despite my front seat position, I couldn't see him at all throughout the whole performance.... :( He got rotated to stand at the other end of the hall and my view of him was always blocked. I couldn't stand up either to see him as someone was video-ing behind me. Sigh, I had to resort to watching him on the video recording playback. Thank God Hubby was able to move over there.

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