Saturday, March 21, 2009

My Current Hobby

I may have mentioned about my current hobby briefly but today's the formal introduction.

These days, when I'm not cooking, baking, reading or tending to the kids, I'm probably playing with fabrics - matching colours, cutting, at the sewing machine, hand-stitching or flipping through quilting magazines and books. I've taught myself the craft of patchwork and quilting and am creating quite a few pieces of handicrafts to call my own.

About one or two years ago, back in S'pore, I was into beading necklaces and accessories. Although people have said I should sell them, I've never done so, except for once to a friend. I've mainly worn the chains myself or given them to family and friends as gifts. I've also not published any pictures although I might when I find time later on.

However, after moving over here, I find myself not too interested to continue my beading hobby. There are 2 reasons: 1) Beads are very pricey here and after all the materials and effort, I may be better off buying one off the shop. 2) Since I've stopped working, I don't need to wear fancy accessories to match my outfits anymore. These days, I'm more at home with a pair of jeans and t-shirt. On cold days, these chains are lost under the jackets and scarves anyway.

On the other hand, quilting supplies and reference materials are readily available here. Fabrics are also not cheap here but the variety is great. I love going to Spotlight to browse for good bargains and to the library to borrow some quilting books when I find time. Like my beaded necklaces, I probably wouldn't sell any of my creations. Somehow, after all the personal attention and the amount of effort and time spent on it, I find them all too precious to sell. I've learnt that good quality quilts can become an art piece and be passed down in generations to come. This is one motivation for me to make some 'heirloom' pieces for my sons so that they'll remember me long after I cease to exist. Quilts also make nice gifts so I hope to be stitching something for all my family members and good friends in time to come.

Details of my crafting journey will be blogged about in my new blog: Threads, Beads & Thots.

Here's the link:

Do drop in to take a look!

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