Monday, August 23, 2010

Pass The Age of Cute

2 weeks has passed since KK's 8th birthday and I've yet to blog about it. See the previous post for the reason why it became 2nd priority. But I better pull up my socks and show something for the folks back in S'pore before he turns 9!!

For this year, it was predetermined that KK's not gonna have a big celebration. Last year he's had his birthday celebrated with style at an indoor playground surrounded by 15 kiddo friends. This year, we celebrated in a low key manner. That is, bringing him out to eat his favourite food and doing some fun activities. On the last day of his 7th year, we brought him to play laser tag and then to his favourite Vietnamese place for "salted fried chicken". But when he was there, he ordered a plate of noodles instead. Since there were a few other friends together, I decided to bring a cake for him to blow his candles. I baked the cake as per usual tradition since we moved to Oz and yup, he chose chocolate AGAIN. That boy is consistently in love with chocolate.

On his actual birthday, it happened to be a school holiday as all the teachers had to go for training. How lucky for him! Hubby came back earlier and we took them swimming. After that, we went for dinner at a restaurant of his choice. The birthday boy chose Red Rooster, a fast food chain selling charcoal chicken. Of all places!! But since it was his birthday, we willingly went along. I don't find it fantastic, but at least he enjoyed it. After dinner, we went for bowling and some arcade games. XX had fun pushing off the ball off a ramp specially designed for kids. The lane for KK also had railings so that he NEVER went off course and always hit something. Great for the morale, but not too successful in training them to aim, I must say.

One of the most memorable thing was we found $10 on the street as we walked out of Red Rooster towards the car park. I said it was his 'lucky money' and asked him to keep it. At the bowling place, KK generously gave it back to me and offered to pay for the bowling session. I kind of feel comforted that he seemed to have grown more sensible.

On that day he turned 8, there was a memorable comment that KK made which made me realise how he had reached another stage of his life. XX made a remark in the car and I commented to Hubby, "So cute..." Unexpectedly, KK blurted, "Orrh, how come I'M not cute anymore!?" I laughed but also realised that yeah, we have not used the word "cute" to describe KK for the longest time. With this birthday, KK has officially passed the age of 'cute'.

Somehow as they get older and their limbs grow longer, they are not so cuddly and their actions are not as ticklish. We still love KK as much but perhaps our interactions with him has gone sterner. He is at this age where talking back is common and teaching him right from wrong, setting good habits and cultivating positive attitudes becomes more important than showing cuddly affections. Like a plant, we can't keep our children under the protection of the nursery forever. To fully develop, they have to move out one day and be in the full glare of the sun, wind and cold. In the real world, if his roots are not deep and the stem is not strong, he will not survive, let alone thrive. While in my care, I hope he has the right foundation and is set straight from the beginning. Even if it means being tied to a pole and thrimmed to size. And of course, coupled with consistent watering of love and affection.

Yummylicious - XX licking off the pot of chocolate frosting

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