Sunday, February 20, 2011

XX Loves School

All ready with schoolbag and hat
What a difference 1 year makes. Last year this time, we were struggling to send a reluctant and tearful XX to experience 'school' two days a week at a childcare center. We gave up after about 2 months. He wasn't enjoying it and obviously not ready to stay somewhere unfamiliar, away from us, for a prolonged period of time. 

Based on my experience with KK, I knew XX still needed more time. When I tried to send KK to playschool at age 2, he didn't like it either and we stopped. When we sent him to nursery the next year, he was so much better. So for the rest of 2010, XX stayed by my side. This year, however, there was no more excuse to delay his entry to official kindergarten. I was both eager yet anxious to know how he will react about going to school now. 

I had enrolled XX for a two-day kinder program that stretched for 5.5 hrs each day. Versus the three-day, 3.5hrs program, I thought this would give me more free time at a stretch and less hassle of bringing him in and out. Well, it was a decision based on my covenience and as the day approached for the term to begin, I started to regret if I had been too selfish and if I was subjecting XX to torture. Would he be able to adjust suddenly to spending 5 long hours at school? Furthermore, he had swimming lesson on one of the days before school. Would he be overtired? What a bad mummy I was.

Washing his hands after hanging up his bag

Luckily, after I voiced my concern to the teacher, she was pretty understanding and suggested that if he can't cope, I could bring him home earlier and slowly lengthen the amount of time he spent in school. At home, that first day, XX was pretty excited about preparing his lunch box, a present he got for his 4th birthday. I made him a ham & lettuce sandwich for lunch and packed some cransins and biscuits for snack. He happily packed the Thomas Train lunchpack it into his rollerbag and obediently dressed up. No fuss, no tears. Good start, I thought.
XX sniffing on the floor with his tissue

On the way there, I took a few photographs of him and he posed like a pro. Inside the class, he looked a little distracted by all the toys and kids around. After hanging up his bag in his designated "mouse" locker, I brought him to wash his hands and led him to the play area while waiting for the teacher to organise everybody. I already saw 2 other boys clinging tightly to their moms. (Notice it's boys again?) XX was still looking cool until I said that I'll have to leave soon. Then he started to wipe his eyes. He knew the inevitable was coming. As the other mommies started to leave, one of the clingy boys started to wail. He was comforted by the assistant and immediately distracted with a basket of toy trains, which was good cos I was worried that XX would be affected and start yelling too. I hung around for a while as the teacher started to talk to the children. I had given a tissue to XX and I watched him busied himself with it clearing his nose. After a while, I waved goodbye and walked out. As I closed the door, I heard fresh wailing. Phew, it wasn't XX but another boy who just realised his mom had sneaked out with me.

I stayed around for another 30 minutes outside, talking to another mom and secretly went to peep at him again. He was eating his lunch. I couldn't see his face but I saw his swinging legs. A relaxed posture. About 3.30pm, after I picked KK from school, I couldn't resist dropping by XX's kindergarten to check on him again. This time, they were having their snacks outdoors. I saw him, (he didn't see us) sitting under a tree with the teacher and other kids. The teacher saw me and came to update me that he was doing very well. No sign of distress and tiredness. She reckoned I should just let him stay till the end.

Yay, we finished our first day! (XX and Callum)

From that point on, my fears were thrown out of the window and things got better and better. By the 2nd week, XX declared he LOVED school. He even asked him when is it time to go to school and would say 'hurray' when I told him today he's going to school. On the day itself, he would keep bugging me if it's time yet. At school, he's still abit uncertain as he didn't know everyone yet. So he told me "Can you stay until Callum (his only friend)  arrived? Then I'll stay with him." When Callum came, I said goodbye and I got a big hug and kiss and a happy wave from him. I cannot ask for more. This is the perfect scenario already. My toddler is going to kindergarten and enjoying it and I have 3.5 hours of free time all to myself.


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