Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Colour Selection - Round 2

Another round of selection. This time, from 1130hrs to 1630hrs. And we didn't even have time to have a proper lunch. Hubby ran off for a while to grab some sandwiches and we munched while we poured over the ceremic tiles. 

The tiles we choose for the bathroom and kitchen splashback.

Turned out Hubby and I were quite similar in terms of taste when it comes to colours. There wasn't any arguments where one liked one colour and the other liked another. Or perhaps he went along with most of my decisions? In the end, we stayed close to earthy and neutral colours and this theme was reflected in many areas of the home. It looks pretty boring but I'm told you can't go wrong with neutral colours.     

In many cases, our colour choices were based more on practicality than aesthetics. Some colours were easier to maintain and does not show up dirt as much as others. I don't want to be scrubbing the wall tiles everyday to remove soap scrubs or oil grease.

Colours of our house - the bricks, render and roof
Besides the tiles, we also had to decide the locations of lights, electrical points and even the security alarm sensors. This included where the light switches will be and which ones will link up. The lady assisting us, Rye, was very helpful and honest in advising us whether the lighting arrangements will be sufficiently bright for our usage of the room. The process was very tedious as we had to envisage the house in the future and what we'll do where, from where will we turn on/off the lights etc. But it's so important to go through it thoroughly now than to regret later.

Although there's nothing physically built yet, the house is pretty much completed in our imagination. Instead of just black and white drawings, we have now filled in the colours to our home. The picture in our mind is taking shape and we now can clearly envisage how the kitchen and various other rooms will look like. Still, nothing beats seeing all these plans materialise but we're happy it should be good.  So what's the price to pay for all these happiness? I haven't got the final quotation yet, but on top of what we've already committed, the house just got more expensive by another $9,000 after that 2 rounds of colour selections.

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