Monday, July 14, 2008


Since moving to Australia, XX has advanced very much in his linguistic skills. I don't know, maybe it's because now I face him every minute, so I noticed his development more or our increased constant interaction with him has helped him to pick up words faster.

He has quite a lot of words in his vocabulary, sufficient to get him understood most of the time, although his pronunciation is still far from perfect, so you've got to pause a little to listen carefully. The most marvellous thing about kids, they're not afraid of embarrassment if they don't pronounce the words correctly and they sound cute mispronuncing it! So far, XX will try and succeed most of the time to follow the sound that we make with 90% accuracy. While he used to only pronounce the last syllabus, he's recently managed even 2 syllabus words like "cookie" and "mummy". Currently, his daddy is trying to teach him to say "A - Z" while he sits at the toilet bowl.

Here are some examples:

When he wants us to follow him somewhere:
XX: (pulls your hand) "Come! See!"
XX: (finger pointing) "Rage"(It took me awhile to understand he meant the 'ga-rage'.

Demanding for food:
XX: "Brad, brad, brad, BRAD! (bread)
XX: "kate, kate, kate!" (biscuit)

Declining an offer:
Me: "You want some rice?"
XX: "No need." (pushes spoon away)
Me: "You want noodles?"
XX: (looks serious and nods his head.)

Wanting to watch Spongebob Squarepants cartoon:
XX: "bob bob pants pants"

When driving, he'll point out and identify "cars", "buses" and "trucks".

When all his words fail him, our 19 month old boy can always fall back on the universal cry and his "ng..." to make his wishes known.