Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Pizza Yum!

KK calls it 'Pizza Yum' and he made me write down the recipe so he can print it out to put on the wall.

I thought I'll never have to make pizza ever, since we discovered Dominos sells their large pizzas here for as cheap as $4.95 each. Well, they're still good and a great value but I've noticed one thing, they don't taste as good the next day. The dough becomes quite chewy after being in the fridge.

I got the recipe for the base from here. It's called Super Easy Pizza Dough and it's as good as its name. We've made this pizza twice and so far, it hasn't failed me. The dough is easy to knead and rises well. After baking, it's soft and it's so even after reheating.

XX loves the Simply Cheese pizza from Dominos and I figured out that if I make it myself, I can make the pizza smaller and can also 'hide' some extra ingredients like chopped mushrooms and ham under the cheese. I usually make 2 batches at one go so that I can freeze some for the kids' lunch some other day.
Here's the recipe:
Super Easy Pizza Dough
(This is enough to make either 1 thick or 2 thin large pizza base)

· 2 cups plain flour
· 1 tsp sugar
· ½ tsp salt
· 8 gm (2 tsp) yeast
· 2 tbsp olive oil
· ¾ cup warm water

1. Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl and add oil and water.
2. Mix to a soft dough. Knead on a floured surface until the dough is soft and pliable.
3. Cover with cling wrap and let it rise until dough double in size.
4. Punch the dough once to remove air bubbles. Remove from bowl and knead gently for 1 min.
5. Roll the dough out and add your favourite toppings.

Pizza Yum!
· Special Tomato Sauce (Chopped/Diced tomatoes + tomato paste + minced garlic + salt/pepper/herbs)
· Thinly sliced Virginia Ham
· 3 types of Shredded Cheese (Parmesan, Mozzarella, Cheddar)
· Super Easy Pizza dough

1. Flatten the pizza dough.
2. Chop the tomatoes, add in tomato paste and stir in sugar, salt, pepper, garlic to taste.
3. Spread the tomato sauce all over the pizza.
4. Put ham on the pizza. Put cheese on top.
5. Bake in 180degrees oven for 15 mins.

Of course, with pizza, basically anything is possible. For us adults, I've added in other ingredients like onions, capsicums, mushrooms and our home grown tomatos. We've also tried putting some minced garlic into and on top of the dough, like a garlic naan.

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