Sunday, May 23, 2010

Groundhog Night

Everynight for the past 2 weeks or more, a similar scene has been occuring at bedtime. My 3.5 yr old has established a routine of reading a book before he sleeps. Which is a good thing, except he only wants me to read him ONE book - "Spongbob Goes To The Doctor". And it has to be me reading it. One night I sent his Dad as a replacement but apparently it doesn't count. After enjoying his dad's narration, XX came back to me and wouldn't go to bed until I read it to him again!

That's something about children that I cannot comprehend and remain very amazed with. Once they like something, they will do it over and over again until they get tired of it. Some of the boys favourite shows are Transformers and Spongebob cartoons. Even though they have watched it many times before, each time it's playing, their eyes will be glued to the television like they're watching it for the first time.

XX is particularly fond of this Spongebob book which we had bought years ago for KK. After so many nights of reading, he can continue many of the sentences as I read. And everynight, at the exact same page, he will point to the same pictures and make the same comments or ask the same questions. Eveytime I give him the same answer to that particular question, which is "I don't know". But that doesn't deter him. Next night, he'll ask it again regardless.

Honestly, I'm very bored with reading that same book over and over again. But whenever I suggest no reading that night or to read another book, I'm met with violent objections coupled with desperate pleadings from my dear son. Seeing his enthusiasm (and he remains very much engrossed as I'm reading) and so as not to dampen his love of reading books, I suppressed my own boredom and go through the whole ritual of reciting the words. Sometimes, Hubby tries to cheat XX by skipping parts but he didn't get away with it as XX knows it! Haha!

1 comment:

Pink Lavender 10 said...

God must have read my blog :-p That night itself, XX claimed he doesn't like the Spongebob book anymore and chose another book as his bedtime story!! Wonder which book he'll choose tonight?