Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Wives don't come from sisters

KK and I had the opportunity to clarify a rather "grown up fact" one night last week. He was lying in bed, about to sleep, and I was, as usual, accompanying them in bed. Strange, he is extremely interested in making conversations when it's time to keep quiet.

I can't remember what led to it, but he suddenly mentioned that I must give birth to a girl. I asked why? I would have fallen off the bed with his reply, if not for the fact that I was already sleeping on the floor. "So that I can marry her when I grow up!" He added earnestly, "Otherwise there won't be anyone to cook for me next time." Wah, think so far ahead, I thought. I laughed and told him you can't marry your own sister. Straightaway he asked, "Then how did Papa get you?" So I got to explain to him that his father and I are not siblings, we were friends first before we got married. That set the record straight, and he next asked how he can find such 'friends'. That will be a long time down the road, my boy. You'll meet someone special to cook for you one day....till then, sleep tight. Enough information for your young mind to digest.

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