Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Grampians National Park Weekend

Last weekend, we were at the Grampians National Park, 235 km west of Melbourne and the 3rd largest National Park in Victoria. We drove up on Saturday morning and spent 2 nights at the Parkgate Resort, part of the Big 4 Holiday Parks group. Together with us were a Malaysian family. They have 3 kids, aged 2.5 to 7. Their eldest is KK's classmate in school.

It was early Spring and the weather was still rather wet, with misty showers on and off. We were really blessed that during our walks through the trails, the rain stayed away. Though it was cold, there was no wind.

Looking at ants

On Sunday morning, we set off on one of the trails to see the Venus Bath rock pools. It was a very mild track and only 2.3 km return. The real challenge was managing the dynamics of the 5 children. I had brought along toy binoculars for my children to have some fun during the walks but they turned out to be the source of contention amongst the older kids. There were 3 binos but 4 kids. So half the time, the parents had to intervene and sort out disputes about who holds the binos and which one. It was crazy and it doesn't help that one of the kids will wail at the top of her lungs when she couldn't get her way. I think all the wildlife, including insects must have been frightened off by the din that came with our group.

KK looking rather displeased at not getting the binoculars

Nevertheless, it was a good walk and I'm especially proud of XX who walked most of the way on his little 2 feet. We carried him only over muddy pools and tracks. I'm also proud of KK. He was adventurous yet not reckless. He also took quite good close-up photos of interesting plants along the way.

The little trekker

Some interesting 'eggs' on a leaf

After the walk, we had a picnic lunch at the base with another group of friends who had just driven up from Melbourne to join us. It was so cool to see so many people get together, chatting and eating chipolatas, bread, chips, fruits and biscuits.

All together now - in harmony

We wrapped up the day with another walk to MacKenzie Falls, one of Victoria's largest and most spectacular waterfalls. As XX had fallen asleep in the car, only KK and I took the steep walk down to the base of the waterfall with our friends. The walk down was easy enough and the view of the waterwall was stunning. But it was the return journey that really took my breath away! I had to rest now and then in between climbing up the steep steps to catch my breath. My 7 yr old son, on the other hand, did not need to stop and reached the top a good 10 mins before me. Now my calf muscles are starting to ache, a testament of how unfit they are.

The nights were pretty interesting too. We had dinner at our friend's cabin the first night (Chinese Herbal Chicken Soup 八宝汤) and we invited them over the next for Fish Bee Hoon 鱼片汤 steam boat style. It was a good arrangement cos there was not much choice about eating out, the nearest township being about 30 mins drive away. Of course, with 5 kids together, it was chaotic and there were frequent interruptions to discipline, reprimand and comfort. But the adults did manage to make some good conversations and we enjoyed the fellowship nonetheless.

Check out more photos in Facebook, friends!

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