Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Ben 10 Jedi

As part of Literacy and Numeracy week's activities, KK's school asked students to come dressed up as their favourite character from a book today. Over the last year or so, this is, I think, the 3rd or 4th time they've asked students to turn up for school in a costume.

This activity can be fun as I get to see some really interesting costumes characters when I go pick up KK after school. There are the usual predictable ones, like princesses and batman. But sometimes I see a pirate or an indian princess.

I always support the event by not dressing KK in his school uniform for that day but I will not go the extra mile to buy or make him a costume. I think it's a waste of money and effort just for one day. Most importantly, my son doesn't care less what he wears! Besides, he usually informs us last minute so the night before, I'll scramble around and let him wear whatever we can find in our wardrobes that most matches the theme.

The last time he was supposed to dress up as a fairy tale character for a fairy tale ball in school, he said he'll be Jack in Jack & The Beanstalk. I tried to follow the book's illustration of Jack and got him to wear a lime green outer vest and a black belt (both compliments of mummy's wardrobe) over grey slacks. I thought the impromtu costume was fantastic and he looked rather close to the Jack in the book. But the boy thinks he looks funny the next morning and refused to wear the belt. At the end of the day when I picked him up, he told me he became Peter Pan instead. Ok, Peter Pan wears green anyway and he showed me his hand-made Peter Pan dagger.

Last night I asked what character he wants to be and he agreed to be Ben 10. Ben 10 always wears green pants and a black and white baseball t-shirt top. I don't have the exact design, the closest was a black & white t-shirt so that will do. He's got his Omnitrix watch to complete the look. The boy took one look at what I prepared for him and said, "That's the ugliest costume ever." He wants a Batman costume but of course it was no way. Nonetheless, he wore it the next day but guess what? When I picked him up from school, I realised that he's bought along his Star Wars sword. Huh? Since when Ben 10 became a jedi? He should have told me earlier if he wants to be a jedi. I would have let him wore a blanket to school!

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