Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Force of Star Wars

Life at home for the boys has recently taken on a new 'force'. A new Star Wars fan has been born in my household, my 7 year old son. The force is mighty powerful. Thanks to KK, Hubby has rekindled his interest in the movie and we've been renting a DVD of the series every weekend over the past weeks. As for XX, he's just a blind follower of his elder brother but even he knows who is Count Dooku and Yoda. Right now, they're re-watching some of the exciting scenes from Star Wars Episode 2.

Ardent Star Wars fans out there please don't read this paragraph as I'm gonna say I don't really understand what all the hype is about. *yawn*. I fell asleep halfway through Episode 1 and for this latest one, I half-listened to it as I chopped up beans, capsicum, onions, garlic and beef for chow mein. I never complete the entire movie once. This is something that "girls don't get it", isn't it?

Anyway, KK's Star Wars journey started with the Lego Star Wars game on his Nintendo DSLite. Then he started asking for a "Star Wars sword" (light sabre) for his birthday present. It is THE only present he wants and he tells that to everyone and anyone who asked him what present he liked for his birthday. Interestingly, he didn't receive it at all during his birthday and he was pinning his last hope on his Yiyi in S'pore who promised to give him a belated present when we go back. However, we managed to find a very reasonably priced light sabres at The Reject Shop the other day and bought 2. Now the 2 young jedis (and occasionally the old jedi as well) have been fighting it out almost daily with their blue and green 'laser' swords, in addition to that on the electronic game.

KK did receive a Lego Star Wars spaceship set for his birthday. With his daddy's help, he managed to put it together over a weekend. It's a good effort from him, following the instructions step by step and I think he's pretty proud of his completed starship. He bought it to school for his Show & Tell session and he made sure his classmates didn't break it apart.
Well done, little jedi!

1 comment:

Pink Lavender 10 said...

My goodness, XX even pronounced the six-syllabus "Anakin Skywalker" correctly!