Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Art of Persuasion

Both my sons have very different fruit preferences.

They both started their fruit diet with pureed steamed apples at aged 6 months. KK now don't mind cut apples but he prefers oranges more. He also takes watermelon and grapes.

XX on the other hand shuns both grapes, apples and oranges. He's only willing to drink a bit of orange juice at most. He used to take grapes and bananas when he was smaller but when he turned 2, he suddenly refused them all. Up till 6 months ago, he shuns all fruits except apple puree. I was pretty stressed up trying to get him to eat any fruits. Thankfully, he now enjoys watermelon, strawberries and bananas. He will even take canned peaches and pineapples (on pizza), thanks to the positive example of KK.

How did I get XX to start eating these fruits? I had tried the 'benefits' approach of persuasion but it obviously didn't work. Who cares about Vitamin Cs and healthy skin? Not a 2 year old. In the end, it was the 'consequence' approach that did it. "Eat this strawberry or no Xbox!"

Once he tasted the yummy taste for himself, there's no need to persuade further.

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