Saturday, October 10, 2009

A Happy Return

We are finally back to Melbourne after 3-weeks away. My 2nd week in S'pore has been just as hectic as the first. After Hubby left for KL, I was alone with the kids but there was no lack of company nor activities. The boys spent most of their time in the company of their grandparents, auntie and uncle, who had specially taken leave from work to spend time with them, while I shuttered between running errands, meeting up with some friends and spending time with the family.

KK and XX were spoilt rotten on this trip. Not only were there no restrictions on their bedtimes and no homework (for KK), they were showered with treats and gifts by their grandparents, grand-aunts, aunties and uncles. They were also treated like some mini-celebrities, countless digital pictures were taken of them, with frequent requests for kisses as poses. There were always some candies and chewing gums on offer during the initial meeting. Later, there will be shopping trips to Toys R Us where they shamelessly charmed their way to LEGOs, Bakugans and Hot Wheels amongst others. I am terribly embarrassed at the expense but I know making the children happy makes these doting adults happy as well. I am sincerely thankful for the treats, gifts of toys and clothings and also feel abundantly blessed by the warm reception we received during this trip back.

I would also like to thank my family members for their support during this trip, in terms of providing childcare, lodging and transportation, without which we will incur lots more expenses and inconvenience. There were always willing babysitters available when I needed to go run some errands or meet up with friends. On shopping trips, they carried the kids, carried the strollers up and down flights of stairs etc. When we needed to move our luggages to and from the airport, we couldn't have done it alone without their help to carry the boxes and bags. Many of my friends have also been very kind to pick me up and send me back after our dinner dates.

It was very nice to see familiar faces again and see the kids enjoy the company of their 'Yiyi' and 'Kaufu' and friends. I'm very sure I will miss all of you! All in, it was a very fun and fruitful trip for us. I managed to fulfill most of my errands and enjoyed the food I missed. We came back with more things than we brought there, and most importantly, we brought back a whole load of fun memories.

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