Wednesday, January 9, 2008

What a day!

Yesterday was a crazy long day. I woke up about 7.30am to get ready for my training session. It has been some time since I last conducted training. So while I'm pretty excited at standing in front of a class again, the lack of stamina also shows at the end of the half-day session. After all the adrenaline rush has passed, I suddenly felt like a deflated hot air balloon. I was urgent, hungry and tired at the same time. Maybe the past few late nights is showing its effects or simply put, too much of a good life not working full-time...hee hee

I first took care of the first need by rushing to the nearest toilet. After that, I headed for a nice lunch at Coffee Club with Hubby. By the time I reached home at about 4pm, I was ready to crash into bed for a nap. But suddenly, Grandmum (my mum) felt giddy and nauseous. It got so bad that she threw up consecutively and couldn't recover even after lying down for a while.

When Hubby returned from picking up KK from school, he had to piggyback Grandmum to the car and we sent her to the A&E department in Changi General Hospital. There, we wheelchaired her in where the nurses took her blood pressure and performed an ECG on her. When the doctor saw her, she was feeling too giddy to talk so the doctor gave her a shot to calm her giddiness and said she should rest in the observation room until she feels better before checking her again.

Hubby and I waited around, not sure what's next and when the doctor will check on her. It was 7.30pm by the time the doctor came again. By then, Grandmum was feeling better as the medicine took effect. Doctor felt it was the ear that was causing this and advised us to consult her regular ENT doctor for a detailed check. Since Grandmum was feeling better, she was allowed to go home.

What a day!