Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Brothers at Play

We have been deliberately allowing KK a lot of outdoors playtime recently. Besides twice a week swimming lessons, we've also started him on learning tennis. On other days after school, he'll often play with his schoolmates at the playground with a few regular friends who always hang around after school. Nothing sophisticated, they'll just run around, take turns chasing one another and have fun sliding down the slides. Sometimes, he'll also go downstairs and meet his 'khakis' (all boys) for more fun cycling and running around.

Although I am quite worried that he may hurt himself when he runs around the condo estate, I'm also understanding that he needed friends his age to play with. The social interaction is beneficial for him to mix well with people in the future. In addition, the physical exercise is good for him. It gets him off the TV and computer and best of all, after all the running, he's sometimes so hungry that he'll finish his dinner real fast.

At home, XX is also getting ready to have more fun with his elder brother. Of course, babies being very self-centric still, there will be more complaints and protests when he doesn't get his way than actual playing, but increasingly, XX is starting to learn how to like his brother's company. He will run excitedly away when his brother chases him, sit on the 'pirate boat' with KK on the surf float and just tonight, XX was driven by KK standing on the scooter-bike. XX also likes to sit and watch his brother play games on the internet or Xbox. They also like to watch videos on my mobile phone together, so sweet....that is, until they start to fight over who gets to select the next video. XX may not be able to speak, but his ability to convey displeasure is not inferior to anyone. Often, KK will be asked to give in, much to his irritation. So to be fair, sometimes, we'll pretend to scold XX or ignore his cries of protests. " build a democratic society, based on justice and equality, so as to achieve happiness, prosperity and progress for our family!" Sounds familiar?

Here's a video of some peaceful playing that makes my heart smile:

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