Monday, September 17, 2007

Flu is in the air

The 2 boys contracted a nasty flu bug last week. Baby X got it worse than his brother. His chesty coughs bothered the pediatrician so much that she prescribed antibiotics for him (as well as KK).

Poor baby, he's got 4 different types of medication to take everyday. Last night, Baby X coughed so much that he vomitted on the bed. In the middle of the night, we tried to clean him and change him. As for the bed sheets, we beared with the dampness till morning. Baby X is very brave though, he didn't cry one bit. But every cough he makes makes me sad.

Today, Hubby left for KL again. This is really bad timing. I'll be alone with the sick kids (literally) at night for one whole week. As if this is not bad enough, he took with him to KL the car remote lock and the spare set of car keys as well! Now my car is flashing its hazard lights non-stop and the alarm goes off whenever we try to open the door with the key. No choice, have to spend some money to disarm the car alarm for the time being.

10 - Hoping there'll be no more crisis for the rest of the week.