Friday, September 14, 2007

The Rise & Fall of Baby X

Using his head as a pivot, Baby X is getting very good at pushing with his legs, buttocks up in the air. He does this regardless of terrain (my chest, the pillow or the floor) and without concern for consequences (there's no such word in babies' dictionary). Using this method, he is able to climb over obstacles and even maneuver himself from the crawling position to the sitting position. Eventually, tonight, it led to his downfall - literally. Baby X falls from the bed, just 1 minute after I leave him asleep in the room, surrounded by a barricade of pillows/bolster. It took a few minutes of sobbing, with eyes still closed, before he goes back to sleep - thankfully with only a swollen mouth and flatter nose.

On a brighter note, today was actually a great day of achievement for Baby X. He learnt that touching his palms together makes a noise! Baby X seems rather proud of this feat and kept practising it the whole evening. Clap, clap, clap...all of us applauded this milestone in his life.

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